

Get the most of your money and have peace of mind with the right insurance policy for your private or commercial vehicle, motorcycle, and other vehicles.

Motor Car Insurance is a contract where the Insurer promises for a consideration (the Premium) to indemnify the Assured for direct loss or damage of the insured vehicle and to pay any claim for death of or bodily injury to and property damage of any Third Party caused by or arising out of the ownership or operation of the vehicle.

This covers the following:

  • Private car

Any 4-wheeled motor vehicle like sedans and Sports Utility Vehicles used for private, social, business, or professional purposes only

  • Commercial vehicle

Any motor vehicle used in business or commercial purposes in connection with trade and industry; may include pick-ups, Asian Utility Vehicles, commuter vans, 4-6 wheeler aluminum vans & trucks

  • Motorcycle

Any two-wheeled motor or automotive vehicle with one or two saddles (or with a third wheel for support of a sidecar)

  • Land Transportation Operators (LTO)

Any vehicle used to carry passengers for compensation such as buses, taxis, and jeepneys